
The Four Cs of Ammolite: A Guide for Ammolite Quality

Ammolite grading is based on the same “4Cs” as diamond grading: colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. Each of these factors is evaluated and given a score or rating, which is then used to determine the overall value and quality of the ammolite stone. In this article, we’ll walk you through each of the Four Cs and how they’re graded.


The colour of an ammolite stone is the most important factor in grading. High-quality ammolite will display a range of bright and vibrant colours that are evenly distributed across the stone. A higher quality of ammolite will have more colours and a more prominent play of colour.

To grade the quality of colour in ammolite, a scale that ranges from A to AAAA is used. The AAAA grade is reserved for stones that display the most vibrant and even distribution of colours across the stone, while the A grade indicates a stone with less intense or uneven colour distribution.


The clarity of an ammolite stone refers to how free it is from small imperfections like cracks or bubbles. High-quality ammolite should have few to no visible imperfections.

To grade the clarity of ammolite, a scale that ranges from A to AAA is used. The AAA grade is reserved for stones with no visible imperfections, while the A grade indicates a stone with some visible imperfections.


The cut of an ammolite stone refers to its shape, proportions, and the quality of the cut itself. A well-cut stone will have sharp edges, symmetrical facets, and a pleasing overall shape. The cut should also enhance the stone’s colour display.

To grade the cut of ammolite, a scale that ranges from A to AAA is used. The AAA grade is reserved for stones with the best cut, while the A grade indicates a stone with some irregularities or imperfections in its cut.

Carat weight:

The carat weight of an ammolite stone refers to its physical weight. While larger stones are generally more valuable than smaller ones, size is not the only factor to consider.

To grade the value of ammolite based on its carat weight, it’s important to consider the quality of the stone in addition to its size. A smaller stone with higher quality colour, clarity, and cut can be more valuable than a larger stone with lower quality in these areas.

Kaimirra Tutan’s Standards

We hold ultra-high standards when considering the quality of ammolite used in each piece of Kaimirra Tutan jewellery. Now that you know how it’s graded, explore the quality of our exceptional ammolite here.